Whitney High School Athletics

Laura Faber

I have been coaching for about 35-40 years  Gymnastic for years, softball, soccer for years, boys tennis, dance teams was a huge part of my coaching and so many dance shows and I choreographed so so many routines. First Aid, CPR and Lifeguard Instructor as well. And of course Girls Golf teams for the last 12 years. I am a retired PE/Dance teacher and have always played sports from Junior High thru High School. I had some really positive role models that were my coaches. I always wanted to pay it forward. Setting up a team is easy-- keeping the girls interested and feeling their self-worth is harder. A few key mottos to live by- treat everyone with respect, keep a sense of humor, run an organized practice and have high player accountability for practices and team ethics and personal goals. If you have low expectations for the players as far as skill development, practice intensity and team expectation then you will get low results. I aim high and it works: open communication with players and their families, remember that coaching is not always about the win - loss ratio, honor your athletes as much as possible, the athletes who pass thru your program are there for such short intervals in time so try to make the most of your time with them so that their memories of high school athletics will be extremely positive. Do you have any hobbies that you do when you are not coaching? I play lots of tournament/league tennis and play lots and lots of social and competitive golf, I work out a lot, I have a walking group that I meet with once a month and I love to shop for myself and others. I spend money really well. LOL I travel quite a bit on the off season and love having fun. I am up for anything active. 

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