Whitney High School Athletics

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This policy applies to all sports teams of the athletic department and applies to one season of play (in other words absences do not carry over from one sport to the next).

• If a PRACTICE is scheduled and you will not be attending, the following regulations will apply:

o The absence will be documented as excused if it meets the following guidelines:

? The coach must be notified at least 24 hours in advance

? You were not at school for excused reasons (if applicable)

? Excused absences include, but are not limited to: medical appointments due to injury or illness, physical therapy appointments for a sports related injury, funeral

attendance, wedding of immediate family, college auditions, recruiting trips, SAT/ ACT, school functions

? If the absence is excused, you will miss the first quarter/session/match of the next competition

o The absence will be documented as unexcused if it meets the following guidelines:

? The coach was not notified 24 hours in advance

? Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to: you attend school and do not attend practice, DMV appointments, birthday celebrations, babysitting, too much homework, tutoring, jobs, etc.

? If you are 30+ minutes late for practice it will be considered an unexcused absence

? If the absence is unexcused, you will miss the entire next competition

• If a GAME is scheduled and you will not be attending, the following regulations will apply:

o The absence will be documented as excused if it meets the following guidelines:

? The coach is notified 20 days prior to the absence

? The excused reasons listed above

? If the absence is excused, you will miss that contest and the following contest

o The absence will be documented as unexcused if it meets the following guidelines:

? The coach was not notified 20 days prior to the absence

? The unexcused reasons listed above

? If the absence is unexcused, you will be removed from the team

Additional Attendance Information

• If you are injured, you must attend practice (or your absence will be unexcused), except in the following sports due to supervision/travel issues: women’s golf, cross country.

• In the case of family emergencies and/or in rare circumstances, as determined by the athletic director, you will be cleared to compete in the next competition without any consequences if you miss a practice and/or game

• Tardiness to practice will be handled by each head coach

• 5 or more unexcused absences will result in the player being dismissed from the team.

• 8 or more absences (excused, unexcused, and any combination thereof) will result in the player being dismissed from the team (except in special circumstances as determined by the athletic department)

• Any special circumstances in regards to attendance must be cleared by the Athletic Director

• Appropriate dress for an injured or ill player will be determined by each head coach


In order to participate in an athletic contest: 

  • The student must be in attendance for the entire school day on the day of the athletic contest.

  • Student must be in attendance for the entire school day prior to weekend/holiday contest. 

  • Students in OCS or Off Campus Suspension will not be allowed to play in games on those days. 

  • Absence due to funerals, medical appointments, religious activities or serious family obligations must be approved /cleared 24 hours in advance by the AD prior to practice or contest.