Whitney High School Athletics

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The Athletic Department has speed and strength conditioning for all junior varsity and varsity athletes during the course of the school day. After evaluation and analysis of the athletic program, it was determined that the implementation of these classes would be greatly beneficial to all athletes. Whether you are in the aquatics program or on the football team and all other sports in between, as a 10th, 11th ,or 12th grade athlete you are enrolled in one of these classes that focus on stamina, balance, strength, speed, agility, and more. Since the implementation of these classes, the results have been noticeable and the impact of this program on the future of the Athletic Department looks promising. Due to these classes we are able to put athletes on the field who are stronger, quicker, more agile, and more resistant to injury then the opposition.

What are the priorities of the Whitney Athletics Strength and Conditioning Program? What type of athlete are we building in our athletic PE classes?

  • Injury prevention
  • Balance
  • Flexible
  • Properly conditioned
  • Move athletically
  • Move quickly and with explosion in several planes
  • Peak condition needs to be achieved by the beginning of the season and maintained (and slightly increased) through the duration of the season
  • Diet and nutritional education 
  • Goal setting and planning
  • Strength and motor performance improvements are greater as a result of periodized training versus non-periodized resistance training programs
  • Teach the student-athletes to compete and work on mental toughness
