Whitney High School Athletics

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The Athletic Senate is comprised of representatives from all sports teams, serving as the voice of all Whitney student-athletes in regards to enhancing the student-athlete experience and well being.  Senators provide education and information to their peers as it relates to the Athletic Department, the Sierra Foothill League, and the California Interscholastic Federation. The Athletic Senate also engages their teammates in valuable opportunities while promoting academic excellence, leadership development, and community involvement.

In 2013, the Athletic Senate was created to broaden opportunities for student-athletes and give them a voice in the creation and adaptation of rules and regulations. In addition, the senators serve as a conduit of communication from their teams to the Athletic Director and Coaching Staff on issues related to their experience, wellness, and more. Lastly, the Athletic Senate was given the task to build bridges between the programs on campus and enhance the student-athlete culture.

In order to serve as a member of the Athletic Senate the representative must play a varsity sport.  Nominations are received from the coaching staff and faculty and chosen by the Director of Athletics.  Representatives are not necessarily the “captain” but rather an influential student-athlete on the team.  Meetings are held at designated times in the Athletic Office and include roll call, team announcements, event planning, leadership lessons, and more. The Athletic Senate carries out events such as elementary school visits, night rallies, the Athletic Olympics, movie nights, tutoring, recognition breakfasts, community service, special nights at games, and more.